3 things I taught my daughter about fitness.

My wonderful and bright daughter, Madison, is at that magical age where image is a very important aspect of daily life. Watching her go through this is giving me nonstop flashbacks to my own mistakes made when I was her age, but now, being aware of what I learnt and taking advantage of this time is a chance to right the wrongs and to set my daughter up for a lifetime of fitness success.

These are 3 fitness lessons I want her to remember.

Lesson #1 –DIET IS EVERYTHING! First thing I taught my daughter was how to pay attention to food labels and how to use that information to help shape a healthy and enjoyable diet she is going to stick to day after day along with making improvements on things she knows is not healthy for her. Always encouraging healthier choices over delectable goodies.

Cakes and cookies are allowed but she knows the more improvements she makes to her diet, her results will show it. Reminding her of the choices she does have and the decisions she must make every single day has been a very empowering tool for her to help shape her fitness foundation.

Lesson #2 –EXERCISE IS CRUCIAL This is beyond the looks and whatnot, this is about her body being able to move and function according to her daily responsibilities and routine. She knows that if she wants her body to perform more efficiently, she MUST exercise effectively in order to reach her goals. Placing extra emphasis on how physical activity helps with mental health is always a great angle when image is not a concern.

The choice of physical activity is always up to her. I promote any physical activity that is relatively safe, cost conscious and most importantly, enjoyable to her because again she’s more likely to stick with it when she enjoys what she’s doing.

Lesson #3 –HEALTH IS PERSONAL. Everyone is on their own unique journey and not to compare her road to the roads of others. What works for her may not work for another and vice verse. I’ve taught her to pay attention to her body not her ego necessarily.

She sees the mistakes I made over the years, and she sees the prices I’ve paid for treating my body less than what I should have. Luckily, she’s listening and taking heed to my warnings. She’s doing beautifully. She has already met one fitness related goal using good old common sense and science backed facts she found interesting and VOILA! She met her goal without the maladaptive behaviors I remember doing in my younger years.

Now she understands how to reach her fitness goals in a healthy and a more honest approach than what I was raised with and I couldn’t be more excited for her fitness future.

—Michelle Vargas

email: polykinetics@gmail.com

How tracking steps helps me monitor my clinical depression

We’ve all read the articles saying how many steps we should be walking to keep away depression symptoms, but for those who are clinical (life-long) afflicted by depression–there’s no escape. Many will struggle with symptoms throughout their lives….like myself.

However, to help aid the less than fun facts of being diagnosed clinically depressed I try to find the brighter side of the dark side. STEP TRACKING! All the rage right now.

I got into step counting back in 2020 when I was talking to a neurologist from Australia who sent me one as a gift from Amazon.

Nothing super fancy but an efficient step tracker and heart rate monitor.

I became instantly obsessed with racking up steps left and right. Day and night. 90 or 17 degrees outside…I was step counting.

My step goal has always been 15,000 steps every single day, 365 days a year. I don’t know what compelled me to pick that number….it just felt right for me.

I realized something along the way. Tracking my steps was also helping me track how “severe” my mental symptoms are and how it reflects on my physical. Or lack thereof

Each day I check step counts. Even on the bad days where I don’t even log in 1,000 steps in 24 hours.

Those really bad days where i barely get around the house and shower.

Four years later and I am still depression step tracking. I am in the midst of a depression as I write this. My daily step count as of now 4:48pm? 2,447. No where near 15,000 daily…100,000+ weekly goals being met, but as silly as it may seem, it gives me a simple goal to go for even when I am feeling my worst. Like now.

Polykinetics Tempo Training: Music or Metronome?

There is a wealth of science supporting the use of music while we workout, but there are fewer studies on the effects of using music or metronome to instill a constant rhythmic tempo beat WHILE we exercise and even fewer studies on the effects of using music versus a metronome during a typical tempo training session. 

Is one way better for the body and brain than the other? Is music more effective? Does using a metronome reap hidden brain benefits while we do tempo training exercises? These are questions I continue to ask myself as I scan over headlines daily looking for answers because I can’t be the only human asking these questions.

As a tempo training fanatic and instructor, I look forward to the day those studies come out because “building your body to the beat” ABSOLUTELY hits differently than any other workout technique or activity I’ve PERSONALLY ever done…..including walking. 

Tempo training theory: Walking rhythmically will reap more benefits than walking arrhythmically.

DON’T LIKE MUSIC?Use a metronome!

This past year I came across a rarity in tempo training. One client struggled greatly trying to “stay on the beat” any time we used music, however, when I switched up and used a metronome machine to the same speed of the song we had been using, he had no problem staying on the beat to the movements besides typical fatigue related to the physical workout. Very unique trait to witness and that client wasn’t the only one. 

The exercise sequence still challenged my client, but he even confirmed it felt “easier” to process and do the exercise sequences to a metronome over the music regardless of genre. This became true for several of my “struggling” clients with rhythmic coordination–a skill that is CRUCIAL in tempo training.

Notably, my older clients also benefitted greatly doing tempo training to a metronome over their most favorite songs–again, a unique event to witness first hand.

Keep in mind, when using a metronome all one needs to do is program their desired speed through “beats per minute” (BPM) which can range anywhere from 40-218 for some metronome models such as the one offered for free by Google.

So if you are struggling to stay on the beat using music, then try a metronome. It might work better for you than music and then “graduate” from a monotone metronome to more complex beats in music. The goal is to be constantly challenging your body as well as your brain and that can be done easily by changing up between music and metronome

To gauge your progress using a metronome or music simply keep track of how many minutes or repetitions you do. Take note. Next workout. Try the same movements but either at a faster BPM speed or for a longer duration of time. Both changes will challenge the body and the brain. 


Music and metronome speed is measured in BPM but we also must take in account how LONG a particular song or session will be–which can range all the way from 30 second sequences to hours long workouts due to the “low impact” of the movements I personally push in the Polykinetics method.

Now here are two unique qualities of tempo training with music speed and duration: 1.) Slower beat speeds are just as challenging as faster speeds 2.) Longer songs are harder to complete than shorter ones


When using a metronome you’ll need to keep a separate stop watch and I always recommend doing 1-minute increments to see how each movement will “hit” you at a particular speed since tempo training gets increasingly challenging with each repetition and second that passes due to the build up of friction heat from the repetitious motioning.

Keep a “workout journal” and keep track of the songs and speeds that challenge you the most. Each week increase duration or speed to efficiently build muscle and burn fat. Simple!

The choices really are endless when you think of the millions of songs, various speeds and dozens of exercise movements in existence in the world today. This is where music motivation really kicks in.


I can officially say I’ve done tempo training to dozens of different genres of music. Some I love more than others, but as long as the music maintains a tempo beat, it can be used in tempo training.

It’s what I call “tempo compatible”. But then we need to go a step farther than simply being “compatible”. Using music we are particularly drawn to initiates a type of chemistry that is truly unique to each person and it actually helps you perform better than using music you aren’t “feeling it”.

Keep in mind the motivations behind the music you use in a tempo training workout.

Listen to the lyrics, take note of how long it is, how fast it is and which exercise movement comes to mind when you hear the song—these all help setup an ideal tempo training workout for anyone at anytime.

I strongly encourage everyone to take the tempo challenge and turn their favorite songs into powerful cardio infused strength training workouts that will burn more calories and build more muscle like never before simply by staying on the beat to their favorite beats.

Last thought…

I personally cannot imagine doing session after session using metronomes. I am a music fanatic and my life definitely has an extensive soundtrack attached to it that allows me to workout on the beat for hours on end without even thinking about it because that’s one of the beauties of music’s impact on the brain–it’s ability to move and motivate us. 

I say take the music vs metronome challenge and see which one challenges you more!

For more information about this article or about tempo training–feel free to contact me at: Polykinetics@gmail.com

Written by: Michelle Vargas– Creator and Instructor of Polykinetics tempo training method. Certified black belt with American Taekwondo Association and diagnosed Bipolar Disorder type 1.

What is tempo training and how does it work to help lose weight and gain muscle?

Tempo training is simply tempo sequencing your exercise movements over a duration of time. Another way to explain it is as a “cardio-infused anaerobic training method” that I have come to call “Polykinetics Tempo Training” and it consists of three major areas: Movement, Music and Mindset. These three areas come together to provide an “all in one” approach to physical fitness for mental health improvements simply by “staying on the beat”.


Physically, it’s basic simple science. 

It’s all about taking potential energy with kinetic energy causing friction build up that causes the “burning” sensation you feel when do a tempo training workout. The same science happens when we rub our hands together at a fast rate.

It typically takes the average person from anywhere of 30 seconds (beginners) to 1 minute (advanced exercisers) to start “feeling the burn” of the exercise movement.

From there it’s up to the participant to “hold on” to the burning sensation for as long as their body’s and brain will allow before being forced to stop and rest. This is how you’re able to build up cardio and muscular stamina without over exhausting the body or increasing any risk of injury. 

The ultimate smarter not harder way to workout.

Let’s dip into each of the three main areas of Polykinetics tempo and explore how to get fit smart in 2024.


I always feel this is what’s most important part to the overall process because if you don’t have the will to make changes, no way can ever help you therefore your mind must already be at the finish line in order for the body to follow suit. The mindset to say “Today is the day”, “It’s time for a change”–then comes “the way” to make it happen.

In tempo training, many times “the way” is the reason why the music is so important to any fitness routine. It sets the standard of the motivation, speed and time duration we will be using in our tempo workout.

The Polykinetics mindset is one of “no pain in vain” meaning you don’t experience hardship for no reason, that there is a purpose to pain particularly when we are working to build up our best selves physically and mentally.


This sets the foundation for a tempo training workout. This will tell you how fast and how long you will be doing the exercise movement for as well as help instill a motivating mindset through the use of music versus using a metronome machine which is still a valid way to do tempo training and can be beneficial for those who find music confuses or distracts them from their workout. Metronomes are a great alternative to music if music just isnt your thing.

There is a wealth of science supporting tempo training fundamentals particularly through the use of the music. By tempo sequencing my favorite music, I am able to keep myself motivated for hours on end where I burn 1000’s of calories without even thinking about it.

The music motivates me to move and the movements I use set the standards of my fitness goals.


Remember, tempo training can be used with any movement or activity you set it to.

With machines, just bodyweight, standing, sitting, laying down, on your side, in a chair, on your bed. Tempo training can be done anywhere at anytime of the day or night. Some workout sequences are only 1-2 minutes in length so using the “I’m too busy” excuse does not hold water in tempo training. Excuse destroyed!

My best advice is to pick movements that you do on a regular basis.

Daily life movements that support the work you do outside of your workout. Daily activities and responsibilities that can become troublesome if facing physical or mental illnesses/disorders. Put together a list of those daily movements and stay true to that list of basic movements that can literally help you build up a better life physically and mentally.

The simplicity yet effectiveness of this technique is both in the center or praise and backlash from “fitness experts” who swear tempo training is the perfect method and to those who believe it’s merely a parlor trick and not a serious technique to be taught to the masses.

I beg to differ on the latter and have been fighting those skeptics (the ones unwilling to try tempo training) to step up to the challenge and put their own ego on the line. I stand by my statements about tempo training being the best go-to for beginners and the best add-on for advanced exercises. It is simply the best approach to getting physically and mentally fit this year.


Tempo training can be done with or without additional weights being used. If your goal is to get bigger gains then the use of weights in tempo are almost a must. However, remember, that the heavier the weight and the faster the tempo will increase risk of injury, so feel free to break out those 1, 2 and 3 lbs weights because now they have a new purpose in your tempo workout.

A little extra weight goes a very long way in tempo training.

With tempo training think of it as an “all in one” approach to physical fitness which does a multitude of things for the brain mentally. When I set out to change my fitness future I came with a list of stipulations I wasn’t willing to budge on and I created a method around those to come up with an “excuse proof” way to workout no matter how “bad” your situation may be, tempo training absolutely will help alleviate what’s troubling us physically and mentally.


I say try a tempo workout today if you haven’t.

It will absolutely change the way you feel and perceived working out and exercising all together. Tempo training doesn’t feel like work. It feels like a game. A game of “will I make it?” and the process that takes place is nothing short of miraculous.

For the last 10 years. I have used tempo training exercises and workouts to help me overcome obesity (losing more than 100lbs) addiction, hardships, severe depression, severe anxiety and symptoms contributed to having Bipolar Disorder type 1.

I am excited to see more “tempo” science studies getting released and having science show how staying on a consistent rhythmic beat while you workout is far more beneficial than other “standard” programs still being taught today. Just recently Planet Fitness has publicly endorsed a tempo training program on their app, showing strong support for this way of working out.

If interested in learning more about tempo training and Polykinetics. Feel free to contact me directly:


Teaching Polykinetics Tempo Training on TikTok Every Single Day, and this is what’s happening.


This is amazing!! Especially considering the mental barriers I face on the daily, this is amazing!!

Now I know I’m not the only one doing tempo-style workouts on Tiktok, and not nearly as popular, but to be doing something as odd as Polykinetics style of tempo training, and seeing the reaction, WOW!


I go live on Tiktok every single day now 3 times a day — 7am, 11am and 5pm central time and have been for the last 6ish weeks? I don’t know, I’ve lost count now. All I think about is not being late on hitting the red button and not letting my anxiety pull me back.

So far so good. And this is more than a month on my new medication for the Bipolar Disorder. Just keeping myself on track one day at a time.

Catch any of my live shows on TikTok by following @Polykinetics and tuning in!

Thank you to every single person who made this possible for me. Without you there wouldn’t be a me. ❤

Weight loss and wrinkles!

When my mom lost the majority of her weight from surgery I noticed an unfortunate byproduct of the loss…..wrinkles in her face! So how do we combat wrinkles while on our amazing weight loss journeys?

I’ll share a few things I do personally to help combat wrinkles during my continued weight loss


Dehydration will only make wrinkles worse so keep yourself properly hydrated by drinking the amount of water recommended for your height and weight. Not everyone needs to be drinking a GALLON A DAY. Overhydrating is just as detrimental as not being hydrated enough. Find you sweet spot and stay there!


A simple Google search will give you a sweet list of foods high in anti-inflammatory properties and these foods create more than 90% of my total diet, hence the “turning back the clock” effect it has made on me personally over time.

Here is an article from Healthline.com going over some solid choices for building up a diet that helps not only lose weight but keep out skin nice and healthy as well — “10 Foods That Can Help Aging” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-support-healthy-aging


According to WebMd.com Collagen peptides are very small pieces of protein from animal collagen. Collagen is one of the materials that makes up cartilage, bone, and skin. Collagen peptides are made by breaking down whole collagen proteins into smaller pieces. When taken by mouth, collagen peptides seem to build up in the skin and cartilage.

I use a collagen powder that gives me 10g of collagen per serving and I just slip it into my morning protein smoothie to give my protein an extra boost of skin firming goodness from the inside out!


Smoking robs us of crucial oxygen and hydration for our skin so if you are currently a cigarette smoker….please please please do everything you can to kick the addiction sooner rather than later. I quit smoking back on July 4th 2020 and it was the best damn thing I ever did for my hair and skin….like OMG what a difference!!!!


The more stressful your life is the more you’ll need to do to counter the stress effects on your brain and body. Stress releases cortisol which can cause weight gain and severely short circuit the delicate synapse in our brains. Vital aspects for neural communication and action


Check up with your dermatologist often and speak your concerns. They are a wealth of information and advices for any skin problems minor or major including wrinkles! My own plan is rather simple but keeps surface cells happy and healthy. Cleanser, exfoliator, toner, moisturizer! Done.

Love favorite DIY face masks?

Try this one!

Tablespoon of plain yogurt + tablespoon of raw honey = mix and put on your face for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water! That’s it! Give it a try and let me know how you like it.


All in all please don’t let the fear of a few wrinkles keep you from reaching fitness focused goals. Your brain and body are worth a few extra laugh lines, so keep moving and stay on beat to building a better you!

The Polykinetics meal plan: Common sense and simplicity!


So many have so much going on in daily lives to where we will subconsciously grab a little something here and a little something there on the go not realizing, in hindsight, how much those “single slips” actually add up over a single day, and now compound that habit over an entire week, month, year!!

It’s time to move in the opposite way. It’s time to be aggressively aware of what and when we put things into our bodies and start making more intentional choices that build us up instead of break us down.

When I began looking into a diet to partner with Polykinetics, the one that made the most pragmatic sense was to simplify my meals, focusing on nutrient dense options (spinach salads instead of iceberg lettuce, removing cheese, etc), and always keeping it smart and simple!

KISS method remember?


My daily diet includes everything I need to do session after session and sustain my energy for up to 12-14 hours everyday without excessive amounts of caffeine. I focus heavily on anti-inflammatory options first and build the majority of what I eat from that list, and then numerous “snack hacks” to help if I’m having a moment or in need of a little sugar and fat (yes we all need them, just not in excess which is where most of us get hit) again when NEEDED vs when wanted.

This is a mindset discipline. Need vs Want!

We want a double cheeseburger but no one NEEDS it. We can make better choices with a little help and a serious commitment to tackling one of the hardest part of health…..eating habits. I get how hard it is first hand. There are certain foods I absolutely can’t touch because the calories, fat sugar and carb count are just waaaayyyy outside my caloric budget so I never touch them because the effects could be far worse than some extra body fat.


POINT BLANK — NO ONE LIKES A CHEATER. Not in relationships, in games and even in food. No one respects a cheater so let’s collectively remove that word from fitness and the justification of the action completely.

Stop cheating yourself from your own goals, and let’s stop trying to make “cheating” a good thing in ANY context!

Recovering from an eating disorder requires a strict guidance to certain aspects. One aspect being I don’t do “cheat treats”. I intentionally plan my meals and when I need to have a little more depending on my activity level.

Cheat treats are an excellent way to self-sabotage progress and goals under the guise of a “reward” however, if I don’t NEED it, I don’t EAT IT. Simple.

I need vitamins and amino acids, I don’t “need” a mocha frappe with a splash of oat milk that contains more than 40g’s of sugar even though all the girls are doing it on social media!

Let’s get real to the food fads and how these actually disrupt more fitness goals than major life events, and afterwards we beat ourselves up for “giving in”. THIS IS ABSOLUTE INSANITY!

Time to flip perspectives and flip off things that are disguised to be good but really they’re horrible for us and shouldn’t be on the consumer market. The government will not regulate how “bad” a food is, other than making sure its vaguely safe for consumption, and even then, we all know the amount of garbage they deem “safe” so read those labels in great detail and stop cheating yourself.


For me personally, I don’t find food particularly entertaining or a source of great pleasure. It’s a chore like laundry or mopping for me. Something that needs to be done for survival and nothing more. If I visit a restaurant, I order the same thing. Grilled chicken breast with veggies and I bring my own flaxseed tortilla wraps because they don’t ever have them in ANY place I go.

I’d rather hit a music venue, go check out a new museum, spend time relaxing in nature….all far more entertaining and enriching for me than gorging myself at overpriced food that got there in a plastic bag from a distributor. Polite Pass.


When I go into a grocery store, I know the areas I can pick food from and where I can’t. I never “browse” for items other than if the same items I buy are on “sale”, other than that, I’m not out looking for new food choices. I keep my diet CONSISTENT so my body knows what to expect and processes it more efficiently than eating dozens different foods at a time–overwhelming our systems every time and resulting in unpleasant side effects (bloating, gas, etc)


One of my favorite practices with food is finding “snack hacks” –this is when I replace my 180 calorie chocolate bar for a 70 calorie brownie bar packed with fiber! I still get my chocolate, but with less of what I don’t want.

When I eat salads, always spinach leaves or other leafy lettuce that are more nutrient dense than iceberg, snacking on fruits high in antioxidents, taking deep breaths before I eat to ensure im not stressed.

Another snack hack would be replacing calorie heavy creamers for my coffee with 0 calorie flavorings that contain no sugar! Overtime these little hacks add up to make big differences in our daily diets and meal plans.

Sooooo many things we can do to keep ourselves on track and keep focus on finishing goals instead of making excuses or explaining why we “deserve” this ice cream pint essentially undoing the very thing we are working towards….a better life!

I’ve lost more than 150 pounds using the Polykinetics Tempo Training tension under time workout technique at home and in the gym.

1st in the world to do so. Cool.

My heaviest weight to date was 237lbs. (2009)

My current weight is 133 lbs (2023) and doing nothing but “staying on the beat” and building my body consistently when in motion has made all the difference.

But wait Michelle, your title says “150” pounds?!? –I did have a relapse between 2017-2019 and gained a lot of weight, but I was able to use to my own method to save my own ass….A SECOND TIME.

Therefore, I can now say I’ve lost nearly 150 lbs doing this very simple yet very intense technique.

Also when I speak of consistency, I don’t always mean as in day to day, but as in consistency of exercise movement execution as well as from day to day.

The internet is a little obsessed with consistency as if chaos doesn’t exist and it’s annoying…anyway.

Consistency of MOVEMENT partnered with simplicity is what gets me my results so quickly and safely. When moves are simplified and consistently executed over a duration of time, we intensify and speed up the conversion of KINETIC ENERGY INTO THERMAL ENERGY—thus burning fat and building muscles AT THE SAME TIME without risking safety!!


A lot has happened over the last nearly 9 years (as of today), and it’s only just getting started!

My PK schedule is filling up in the gym and my body is continuing to improve; reaching new levels of personal best I didn’t know existed!

Very exciting and very challenging in some ways.

Popularity building daily, skepticism being challenged head on in a fearless fashion and my technique is taking people by storm one by one.

All I have to remember to do from here on…..is to keep going.

Understanding that I WILL struggle and might even stall from time to time but to ALWAYS keep pushing forward and keeping expanding my knowledge with the art and science of Polykinetics.

I still have plenty of fitness related goals to reach this year and I have a fitness empire to begin building, but I’m beyond excited for the future and feel myself getting stronger physically and mentally each day I actively pursue my PK passion.

Heres my latest progress before and after post from October 27th 2022 to December 6th 2022. 5ish weeks. Cardio infused anaerobic training–C.I.A.T.

1 minute full body tempo training all standing workout…yes you’re gonna feel it!

New workout quickie. 60 seconds. Full body. “I don’t have time” is no longer a valid reason to not practoce the ultimate in self-care–exercise!!

Let me know what you think!

Www.TikTok.com/@polykinetics ⭐️

Tension under Time TUT — NEW SEQUENCE SATURDAY! Turning pain into power in 60 seconds with Sia!

This morning I woke up to find several unwanted and disrespectful messages from my ex-husband’s ex girlfriend who has supposedly been stalking me online for the last 5+ years…according to my ex-husband/ my daughter’s father.

Now my ex-husband and I are NOT together. We just celebrated our divorce being finalized; but we’re civil for the sake of our daughter because we want her to have both both parents regardless of the faults of each other.

We have learned how to co-exist all for her despite the pains of the past. I’ve raised Maddy the majority of the time. Even when we separated we continued family outings which made our divorce a little easier on her. Not much I’m sure but hopefully a little.

Now….I keep blocking this woman all over online and she continues to follow me everywhere!! I wish she were the only one but a couple others have done this behavior as well. 

Frustrating and kind of scary knowing what people are capable of. 

–Those true crime shows never run out of ideas for episodes just put it that way. 

However at the exact same time those few messages are being OVERWHELMED by the CONTINUOUS positive messages of encouragement and support which makes dealing with people like that so much easier and I think everybody for every bit of their love support and encouragement over the last 8+ years and particularly today. 

I needed it big. 

That lady scares the hell out of me 🙄

So in honor of that fiasco and the support I received from someone not willing to let that woman bully me on my TikTok… I created a work out sequence to turn that pain into a positive power! 

Simply and safely. 

The entire time I’m doing this workout I am dwelling on both the positive and the negative memories to get me through the goal…..completing the entire song (3 minutes and 40 seconds)

When it starts to 🔥 BURN 🔥 I think about the negative, when it stops burning, I’m feeling grateful that it stopped burning! 🤣💯

Simple! ❤️

Emotions in motion